"Listen, if I'm being very honest there's not a lot of people that will make it in life.
"Listen, if I'm being very honest there's not a lot of people that will make it in life.
And if I can go even further, it is not even 5% of people that will make it in life—there's only this 1% of people that will make it that will become successful and that will realize their purpose."
And if I can go even further, it is not even 5% of people that will make it in life—there's only this 1% of people that will make it that will become successful and that will realize their purpose."
Success isn’t just about money or material wealth. It’s about fulfilling your soul.
Success isn’t just about money or material wealth. It’s about fulfilling your soul.
It’s about being so serious about your goals and working toward them that you stop watching others live out their dreams.
It’s about being so serious about your goals and working toward them that you stop watching others live out their dreams.
Your life is about you—you come first.
Your life is about you—you come first.
Reacting vs. Acting: Stop being on the sidelines! Instead of reacting to life—just going to work day after day without passion or purpose—start acting.
Reacting vs. Acting:
Stop being on the sidelines! Instead of reacting to life—just going to work day after day without passion or purpose—start acting.
Ask yourself: "Is this job fulfilling my soul? Is this relationship taking me toward my future, or just keeping me stuck?"
Ask yourself: "Is this job fulfilling my soul? Is this relationship taking me toward my future, or just keeping me stuck?"
Set Your Goals: When you set a goal, be clear about what you want. Don’t settle for “good enough” because you’re afraid.
Set Your Goals: When you set a goal, be clear about what you want. Don’t settle for “good enough” because you’re afraid.
When you say, “This is my goal—I want a family, I want a marriage,” you start attracting that energy.
When you say, “This is my goal—I want a family, I want a marriage,” you start attracting that energy.
If you believe in yourself—even if it seems delusional—you move from being a bystander to a main character in your own life.
If you believe in yourself—even if it seems delusional—you move from being a bystander to a main character in your own life.
Self-Belief is Key: The one thing that differentiates the non-successful from the successful is that the successful ones believe in themselves, even if they’re delusional about it.
Self-Belief is Key:
The one thing that differentiates the non-successful from the successful is that the successful ones believe in themselves, even if they’re delusional about it.
"Even if no one believes in you, you have to believe in yourself."
"Even if no one believes in you, you have to believe in yourself."
Parents, teachers, or even society may not have believed in you, but that doesn’t matter—your belief in yourself is what drives you to achieve greatness.
Parents, teachers, or even society may not have believed in you, but that doesn’t matter—your belief in yourself is what drives you to achieve greatness.
Take Responsibility: No one is going to save you.
Take Responsibility:
No one is going to save you.
Every time you wait for someone else to come and be your savior, you’re giving away your power. Instead, take responsibility over your own life.
Every time you wait for someone else to come and be your savior, you’re giving away your power. Instead, take responsibility over your own life.
When you decide, "I am going to do this. I am going to be unstoppable," nothing can stand in your way.
When you decide, "I am going to do this. I am going to be unstoppable," nothing can stand in your way.
Write Down Your Goals: Start by writing down what you truly want.
Write Down Your Goals:
Start by writing down what you truly want.
Ask yourself: What are my goals? Why am I in this relationship or job?
Ask yourself: What are my goals?
Why am I in this relationship or job?
Is it fulfilling my soul, or am I just waiting for something to happen?
Is it fulfilling my soul, or am I just waiting for something to happen?
Write these down as if they have already happened. Your subconscious will know where to go, and you will start to attract that energy.
Write these down as if they have already happened. Your subconscious will know where to go, and you will start to attract that energy.
No Excuses—Start Small: Even small steps count. If you say, "I’m going to get in shape," but never do anything about it, you’re not being true to yourself.
No Excuses—Start Small:
Even small steps count. If you say, "I’m going to get in shape," but never do anything about it, you’re not being true to yourself.
Start small, do something every day, and let each accomplishment fuel your inner belief.
Start small, do something every day, and let each accomplishment fuel your inner belief.
Be a Creator: We are all creators—our natural state is to create.
Be a Creator:
We are all creators—our natural state is to create.
Whether it’s art, poetry, music, YouTube videos, cooking, or even a family, creation is your soul coming to life.
Whether it’s art, poetry, music, YouTube videos, cooking, or even a family, creation is your soul coming to life.
Look at children—they create, they try, they fall, and they get up again without shame. Embrace that childlike energy.
Look at children—they create, they try, they fall, and they get up again without shame. Embrace that childlike energy.
Transmute Your Emotions: Use your pain, your anger, and your sadness as fuel.
Transmute Your Emotions:
Use your pain, your anger, and your sadness as fuel.
Some of the greatest masterpieces come from deep emotion. Instead of letting those feelings hold you back, transform them into power.
Some of the greatest masterpieces come from deep emotion. Instead of letting those feelings hold you back, transform them into power.
Let Go of the Past: Don’t hold on to old relationships, failures, or regrets. Life is about moving forward.
Let Go of the Past:
Don’t hold on to old relationships, failures, or regrets. Life is about moving forward.
If you keep crying over something that happened 5 years ago, you’re denying yourself today’s blessings.
If you keep crying over something that happened 5 years ago, you’re denying yourself today’s blessings.
Understand that time will pass regardless—so make every moment count.
Understand that time will pass regardless—so make every moment count.
Choose Wisely: Who you surround yourself with shapes who you become. Choose people whose energy lifts you up and aligns with your purpose.
Choose Wisely:
Who you surround yourself with shapes who you become. Choose people whose energy lifts you up and aligns with your purpose.
If someone drains you or pulls you down, it’s time to let that go.
If someone drains you or pulls you down, it’s time to let that go.
Find Your Muse: Identify the people or things that inspire you—your muse. For me, my mother and my sister are my muses.
Find Your Muse:
Identify the people or things that inspire you—your muse. For me, my mother and my sister are my muses.
Look for inspiration in art, nature, and everyday life. Let that inspiration guide you toward your higher self.
Look for inspiration in art, nature, and everyday life. Let that inspiration guide you toward your higher self.
Time Alone is Powerful: Solitude is important for creativity. When you’re alone, you can truly have a conversation with yourself.
Time Alone is Powerful:
Solitude is important for creativity. When you’re alone, you can truly have a conversation with yourself.
Write down your thoughts, ideas, and what you admire about those who inspire you.
Write down your thoughts, ideas, and what you admire about those who inspire you.
Learn from Your Struggles: Your struggle is your greatest teacher. The lessons learned from your failures and hardships build the foundation for your future success.
Learn from Your Struggles:
Your struggle is your greatest teacher. The lessons learned from your failures and hardships build the foundation for your future success.
Be grateful for every challenge—it’s shaping you into the person you’re meant to be.
Be grateful for every challenge—it’s shaping you into the person you’re meant to be.
No More Waiting: Stop waiting for someone to save you. The moment you decide to act is the moment you start creating the life you deserve.
No More Waiting:
Stop waiting for someone to save you. The moment you decide to act is the moment you start creating the life you deserve.
When you put in the work—from starting a YouTube channel with nothing to sharing your heart with millions—you create magic from within.
When you put in the work—from starting a YouTube channel with nothing to sharing your heart with millions—you create magic from within.
Your Energy is Powerful: Everything exists as energy. When you believe in yourself and work from your heart, success follows.
Your Energy is Powerful:
Everything exists as energy. When you believe in yourself and work from your heart, success follows.
Money, freedom, and fulfillment are by-products of living your purpose.
Money, freedom, and fulfillment are by-products of living your purpose.
Remember, success isn’t just measured by material wealth—it’s about fulfilling your soul and living your purpose. Stop reacting to life; start acting.
Remember, success isn’t just measured by material wealth—it’s about fulfilling your soul and living your purpose. Stop reacting to life; start acting.
Believe in yourself so deeply that even if you seem delusional, you rise to the top. Take responsibility, set clear goals, and put in the work every single day.
Believe in yourself so deeply that even if you seem delusional, you rise to the top. Take responsibility, set clear goals, and put in the work every single day.
Your struggles are lessons, and your inner power is waiting to be unleashed.
Your struggles are lessons, and your inner power is waiting to be unleashed.
"You have all the power within you. No one can stop you if you truly believe in yourself. I believe in you—now it’s time for you to believe in yourself."
"You have all the power within you. No one can stop you if you truly believe in yourself. I believe in you—now it’s time for you to believe in yourself."
Go out there and create the success you were meant to have. I love you guys, and I’m proud of you. See you in the next chapter of your journey. Bye-bye!
Go out there and create the success you were meant to have. I love you guys, and I’m proud of you. See you in the next chapter of your journey. Bye-bye!